The BERG GO² is our smallest kart but don’t underestimate this 2in1! Your child will learn to scoot or pedal much faster and can do it all on one little go-kart. First, you can keep the pedals folded up so that your little one can scoot. Use it as a push car without the pedals or the rear wheels getting in the way. Fold down the pedals when your child is ready for the next stage. Your tiny tot will be safe with four wheels keeping them firmly grounded, so you won’t need to worry about them tipping. A safe solution!
Is your child small but growing quickly? No problem! They will fit perfectly on the BERG GO² without having to adjust the ergonomic seat or the steering.
- Learn to scoot then fold out the pedals [2in1!]
- 4 wheel stability
- Non slip seat & handlebars
- Silent whisper tyres that never go flat!
- Direct drive & ball bearings makes pedalling light & easy
- Ride forward & reverse
- Unlike tricycles, the steering and pedals are operated independently
- Sleek ergonomic design prevents catching little feet on the pedals or rear wheels
- Learning new skills made fun while enhancing physical and cognitive development
- Make it a 3in1, add a push handle to keep control while they build confidence
- Suits kids 70cm – 100cm
- Max user weight 20kgs